What Happened on September 7th?

The night the skies over London turned deadly

1940 Germany Began Bombing London, Initiating the Blitz

On September 7, 1940, the Reich launched a relentless bombing campaign on London and other British cities, aiming to break British morale and force a surrender. The intense aerial assault caused widespread destruction and civilian casualties, becoming a defining event of World War II.

The photo shows a building in east London hit by a bomb during the German bombing raids known as the Blitz. It was home to the three children in the photo. 

🗞️Today’s Headlines

Everything important that’s ever happened on September 7:

1901 ─ The signing of the Boxer Protocol ended the anti-foreign uprising in China, imposing reparations and a foreign military presence in Beijing.

1876 ─ The Younger Brothers, part of the James-Younger Gang, were captured following a botched robbery in Northfield, Minnesota.

1860 ─ Giuseppe Garibaldi entered Naples and declared himself dictator, advancing the cause of Italian unification.

1822 ─ Defying orders to return to Portugal, Dom Pedro I proclaimed Brazil's independence, paving the way for its sovereignty.

1813 ─ An editorial referred to the United States as "Uncle Sam," inspired by Samuel Wilson, a meatpacker who supplied beef to the US Army during the War of 1812.

1812 ─ In a bloody battle near Moscow, Napoleon's army forced Russian troops to retreat but suffered heavy casualties.

🎂 Today’s Birthdays

On September 7, we’re singing to:

Elizabeth I (1533) ─  Elizabeth I was a Queen of England whose reign, the Elizabethan Era, was marked by cultural flourishing and the defeat of the Spanish Armada.

Buddy Holly (1936) ─ Pioneering musician who revolutionized rock 'n' roll, known for hits like Peggy Sue and influencing future generations of artists.

 🪦Who Died Today?

On September 7, we’re saying goodbye to:

William Stewart Halsted (1922) ─ American surgeon known for introducing innovative surgical techniques, significantly advancing medical practice.

Mobutu Sese Seko (1997) ─ Former President of Zaire, whose 32-year rule was characterized by widespread corruption and human rights abuses.

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